
“Pensiamo che l'Arte possa far esistere ciò che ancora non c'è e che sarebbe bello ci fosse”
"We believe that art brings to life that which does not yet exist but would be beautiful if it did."

Nadia Antonello (Cittadella, 1985) and Paolo Ghezzi (Bologna, 1980) trained at the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna and in 2009 founded the artistic duo Antonello Ghezzi. Their research focusses on lightness and magic. The projects which they have exhibited all over the world with the support of numerous institutions are attempts to render fables tangible. A door which opens only if you smile, soap bubbles which knock down walls, a machine for making wishes with shooting stars, small sculptures between lovers, starry skies of the future. Ladders, clouds and blue traffic lights which, thanks to Gianni Rodari, give observers the all-clear for flying. As if they were winged sandals or mirrors which, like Athena’s shield, help Perseus to face Medusa.

Their installations are part of numerous private collections and have been presented, together with the performances, in Italian and international contexts, including: mudaC in Carrara, Museo Plaza Cielo Tierra in Córdoba (Argentina), Italian Cultural Institute in Santiago del Cile (Chile), Italian Cultural Institute in Madrid (Spain), Italian Embassy (Greece), Fondation WhiteSpaceBlackBox in Neuchâtel (Switzerland), Kunstall in Bergen (Norway), the Beit Beirut (Lebanon), at the Bagni Misteriosi in Milan (Italy), at Brooklyn Wayfarers in New York (USA) the Sound Design Festival of Hamamatsu (Japan), at the Italian Cultural Institute in Athens (Greece), at Artbab in Manama (Bahrain), at Miasto Ogrodów in Katowice (Poland), at the Usina del Arte in Buenos Aires (Argentina), at the National Picture Gallery of Bologna (Italy), at the Moscow Biennial (Russia), at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Villa Croce in Genova (Italy), at the Sarajevo Winter Festival (Bosnia and Herzegovina), at the Blink Opener (the Netherlands), at the Petit Bain in Paris (France) and at the Arsenale in Verona (Italy).

In 2022 they won the PAC2021 - Piano per l'Arte Contemporanea (Contemporary Art Plan) promoted by the General Management for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture, and their flag showing the Milky Way was purchased by the Rocca Foundation of Bentivoglio of Valsamoggia (Bologna).

In 2023 the museum CAMeC Centro Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (Centre of Modern and Contemporary Art) dedicates their  first anthological museum exhibition "Terra Cielo Iperuranio".


"Trovarsi tra le stelle", mudaC, CARRARA
"La Casa de la  Vía Láctea", Plaza Cielo Tierra, CORDÓBA (Argentina)
"La Casa de la  Vía Láctea", Istituto Italiano di Cultura, SANTIAGO DEL CILE
"Terra Cielo Iperuranio", CAMeC, LA SPEZIA
"Shooting stars", Istituto Italiano di Cultura, MADRID
"Tightening the space of me and you" Habitat Art Space, BERGEN
"The Milky Way House at Beit Beirut", Beit Beirut, BEIRUT
"Via libera per volare", Museo Davia Bargellini, BOLOGNA
"Immersione libera", Bagni Misteriosi, Galleria Continua, MILAN
"Blow against the walls", Brooklyn Wayfarers, NEW YORK
"Blowing away boundaries" European Development Days, BRUXELLES
"Shooting stars" Miasto Ogrodow, Katowice, POLAND
"Blow" Art Crossed Borders, ARTBAB, BAHRAIN
“Shooting stars” Sound Design Festival, Hamamatsu JAPAN
"All the stars, all the seas" Istituto Italiano di Cultura, ATHENS
“Sotto lo stesso cielo”, Arsenale, VERONA
“Blow” Petit Bain, PARIS
"Here", Usina del Arte, RoBOt Festival, BUENOS AIRES
“The Artists are IN” Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna, BOLOGNA
"T'Oracle of Sarajevo", Sarajevo Winter Festival, SARAJEVO
"Lucciole", Macro, La Pelanda, Testaccio, ROME
"Mind the door!", III Moscow International Biennale of Young Artists, MOSCOW


"Il dovere della felicità", galleria ME Vannucci, Pistoia
 "La casa della Via Lattea", curated by Giovanni Gardini, Chiesa di Santa Maria dell'Angelo, Faenza
“Trovarsi tra le stelle”, mudaC, curated by Cinzia Compalati, Carrara

"La Casa de la  Vía Láctea", Plaza Cielo Tierra museum, curated by Marco Lapenna, Córdoba (AR)
"La Casa de la  Vía Láctea", Italian Cultural Institute in Santiago del Chile, curated by Cristina Di Giorgio, Santiago del Chile
"Albero Cosmico", Xmas tree for Carrara city, curated by Cinzia Compalati, Carrara
"Terra Cielo Iperuranio", CAMeC museum, curated by Eleonora Acerbi with critical text of Cesare Biasini Selvaggi and Cinzia Compalati, La Spezia
"Cosa non è inferno", Galerie Tanit, curated by Tara Saroufim, Beirut
"Six memos for the next millennium", Traffic Gallery, curated by Adiacenze, Bergamo
"Scalare il sogno", installation for the lake of Fratta, curated by Simone Azzoni, Fratta di Tarzo (TV)
"Shooting Stars", Light installation, 29th Kalamata Dance Festival, curated by Linda Kapetanea, Kalamata
"Shooting stars", sound installation, Rocca dei Bentivoglio, curated by Adiacenze, Bazzano
"I am with you, I have always been with you, don't be afraid", permanent installation, project winner of PAC - Piano per l'Arte Contemporanea, Rocca dei Bentivoglio, curated by Adiacenze, Bazzano
"Shooting stars", Italian Cultural Institute in Madrid, curated by Adiacenze, Madrid

"Stringere lo spazio di me e te", permanent installation for Coop, curated by Virginia Fabrizi, Ponte a Greve
"Cosa non è inferno", curated by Chiara Guidoni, Indigo Art Gallery, Perugia
"La sedia del giudice", Piazza Lucio Dalla, curated by Adiacenze with the support of Fondazione Innovazione Urbana and Cronopios, Bologna
"Non sono più la stessa" for Arte di confine, curated by Riccardo Farinelli, Prato
"L'isola dei Pirati" fro Chorasis, Villa Rospigliosi, curated by Riccardo Farinelli, Prato
"Alla Luna" for Exibart in Blooming Artfair, curated by Federico Pazzagli, Bologna
"The Milky Way House at Beit Beirut" in Beit Beirut, curated by May El-Hage with Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Beirut
​"Tightening the space of me and you” in Habitat Artspace, curated by Adiacenze and Manuel Portioli, Bergen

"We wish you" in Studio BBS-pro, curated by Davide Sarchioni for Accaventiquattro Arte, Prato
"Legare la terra al cielo", Prospettive, curated by Giorgia Tronconi e Amerigo Mariotti of Adiacenze, Savigno (BO)
"Vedere me in te", Festival di Radicondoli, curated by Massimo Luconi, Radicondoli
"Stringere lo spazio di me e te", Without Frontiers Lunetta, curated by Simona Gavioli, Mantova
"Tutto è relazione" for the project"Antenna, L'Oracolo di Monte Paderno" with the poet Valerio Grutt, curated by Olivia Spatola, Monte Paderno (BO)
"I am with you, I have always been with you, don’t be afraid", Nation Station, curated by Maie El Hage, Beirut (Lebanon)

"Amore libera tutti", Galleria ME Vannucci, curated by Manuela Valentini, Pistoia
"Via libera per volare", Museo Davia Bargellini and Palazzo d'Accursio, curated by Manuela Valentini and Olivia Spatola, Bologna

"T'Oracolo" and "Shooting stars", Serre dei Giardini Margherita, Festival Resilienze curated by Federica Patti, Bologna
"Blow against the walls", Palazzo d'Accursio, Festival Francescano, Bologna
"Under the same sky", Palazzo Isolani, ESERA Conference, Bologna
"Come tenere la testa fra le nuvole", Artefiera, Bologna

"Blow against the walls", Brooklyn Wayfarers, New York
"Shooting stars", Miasto Ogrodów, Katowice (Poland)
"Blowing away boundaries" European Development Days, Moleenbeek, Bruxelles
"Blow against the walls" ArtBAB, Bahrain
"Blow" Galerie Tanit, Beirut

"Blow" TAF The Art Foundation, curated by Giusy Ragosa, Athens
"All the stars, all the seas" Istituto Italiano di Cultura, curated by Giusy Ragosa, Athens
"Blow (against the walls), Galleria Spazio Testoni, Bologna
"Sotto lo stesso cielo" Arsenale, Teatro Scientifico and Teatro Nuovo, curated by Simone Azzoni, Verona
"Nuvola" ΦΟΥΑΡ, curated by Renata Konstantinou, Athens
"Blow" Petit Bain, curated by Giusy Ragosa and Delphine Joussein, Paris

"Confonderti" Dynamo, curated by Federica Patti, Bologna
"Ciél étoiles" CIFF, Copenhagen
"Ciél étoiles" Le Temple 153, Paris

"Sopra di noi, il cielo" S. Maria Maddalena, Bologna
"Star map", Pitti Uomo Firenze, catwalk set design of "Constellation Africa”, project of ITC Ethical Fashion Initiative, International Trade Centre
“Guardami ancora”, Spazio9, curated by Margherita Maccaferri, Bologna

Here”, Historic centers of  Bologna, Parma and Genova. Project curated by Federica Patti and Marcella Loconte for Robot Festival 07.
“Antibandiera”, 9th International Conference on Conceptual Change, University of Bologna, Santa Cristina della Fondazza, curated by Olivia Levrini
"Fortune, tell me", permanent installation for Marchesini Group, Pianoro, Bologna
"Mind the door!", Interpack exhibitions, Düsseldorf, Germany

"Mind the door!", Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena, Bologna, curated by Silvia Evangelisti and Luigi Ficacci
“The Artists are IN” Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bolognacurated by Silvia Evangelisti and Luigi Ficacci
“Il cielo sopra Pistoia”, Vannucci Arte Contemporanea gallery, Pistoia 
"Luminart" Christmas Light for  the Old Town of Pistoia
"T'Oracolo di Cervia", Drammi Collaterali, Ex Pescheria, Cervia
"E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle", La Luretta, Bologna, selected by MAMbo for Art City Bologna 2013

"Lucciole", Casabianca, Zola Predosa, curated by Anteo Radovan and Massimo Marchetti
"T'Oracle of Sarajevo", Sarajevo Winter Festival, Sarajevo, curated by Ibrahim Spahic

"Grazie per avermi salutato", Y'art, Bologna, curated by Lelio Aiello
"E' il bagno per me", Arte Fiera Bologna, curated by Antonello Ghezzi

"Ai servizi dell’arte", Arte Fiera Bologna, curated by Antonello Ghezzi
"Cosa succede quando le gallerie non vanno in fiera?", Artissima 2010, Torino


"Verità Nascoste", Photolux Festival 2024, curated by Benedetta Donato, Azzurra Immediato, Chiara Ruberti, Enrico Stefanelli, Palazzo Guinigi, Lucca
"Per la natura errando fra remoti pensieri",  PVQ322, curated by Giovanni Gardini, Pievequinta (Forlì)
"Rêves et enchantements", Saint-Ex culture numérique, curated by Clémentine Treu, Reims
"Stargazers", NP art lab, Padua and Milan

"Riflessioni" with Christina Nakou, Ambasciata Italiana di Atene, Athens
"Places – Coincidences", Indigo Art Gallery in collaboration with Civitella Ranieri, curated by Chiara Guidoni, Perugia
"Riflessioni":  with Christina Nakou, Ambasciata Italiana di Atene, Athens
"L’universo sembrò trovar un senso e noi ne toccammo i colori giusti", with Alberto Gianfreda and Marco Pellizzola, Studio Antonello Ghezzi, curated by Beatrice Soncini in collaboration with Adiacenze, Bologna
"Healing", Fondation WhiteSpaceBlackBox, Neuchâtel (CH)

"All Inclusive", Museo Gigi Guadagnucci, curated by Cinzia Compalati, Massa
"Da de Chirico a Chagall e oltre" 21gallery, curated by Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, Villorba (TV)
"Io resto tra le nuvole", Vergato Arte e Cultura, curated by Giorgia Bellotti, Vergato (BO)
"Paesaggi", Pad. 15 stand E21 Galleria Vannucci, Artefiera, Bologna
"Hole to auction", Adiacenze, curated by Adiacenze and Tatanka, Bologna

"Paesaggi personali", Galleria Vannucci, curated by Serena Becagli, Pistoia
"Segnaletica per sognatori", Chiantissimo, curated by Davide Sarchioni, San Casciano in Val di Pesa (FI)
"Come complicarsi la vita e guardare le nuvole", with Simone Gori, curated by Massimo Luconi, Palazzo Bizzarrini di Radicondoli (SI)
“Hole – Temporary art peep show”, curated by Adiacenze e Tatanka, Adiacenze gallery, Bologna

“Under the Same Sky: From Italy to Lebanon”, Antonello Ghezzi + Ralph Hage, curated by Maie El-Hage, in collaboration with Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Beirut, Deir el Qamar (Lebanon) 
“I am with you, I have always been with you, don’t be afraid”, curated by Galleria Continua for Una boccata d’arte, a project of Fondazione Elpis, Santo Stefano di Sessanio (AQ)
"Segnali", Artefiera, curated by Galleria Vannucci, Bologna

"Shooting stars" (performance), MACAM, curated by Maie El Hage, Beirut
"Shooting stars" (installation), Biennale of Contemporary Art, "Universal Data" MACAM, curated by Sara Schaub, Beirut
"Cosmos Cartoons", MUSE, Trento
"Blow against the walls", Cavallerizza Irreale, Turin
"Shooting stars", Arte e astrofisica sul Monte Tancia, curated by Cornelia Lauf, Monte San Giovanni in Sabina (RI)
"Alla luna", Bagni Misteriosi curated by Galleria Continua, Milan

"Esodo", Galleria Spazio Testoni, Bologna
"Shooting stars", Noite Branca, gnration Braga, Portugal
“Blow against the walls”, performance for Art across the borders, Bahrain

"Shooting stars" Hamamatsu Sound Design Festival, curated by Unesco Creative Cities Network, Japan
"Andata e Ritorno" Ex Atelier Corradi Cavallo Spose, curated by Lorella Cavallo, Bologna Design Week, Bologna
"Shooting stars" ArtFarm, curated by Simone Azzoni, Pilastro, Verona

"All at sea", Studio Antonello Ghezzi, Bologna

"La regola del gioco", Galleria Vannucci, Pistoia
"Ciels étoilés", BIEL Centre Beirut, curated by Pascal Odille
"Ensemble", Studio Antonello Ghezzi for the Bologna Design Week
"Quello che rimane", Sponge Arte Contemporanea, Pergola (PU), curated by Francesco Paolo Del Re
"Se stessi", Apocalypsis | Rivelazioni, Cittadella (Pd), curated by Spazio Supernova
"Comizi d'amore" and "Sono appena tornato da New York", SetUp Art Fair, Bologna
"Concrete peace", Night Created Design's showroom, Bologna

"Here", Usina del Arte, RoBOt Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina, curated by Federica Patti
“Shooting stars”, RoBOT Festival, Piazza Maggiore, Bologna, curated by Federica Patti and Marcella Loconte
“Platea”, Lagolandia, Brasimone, curated by ArtiColture

Never Ending Night, Museo Xkè, Turin, curated by Piero Bianucci
"Never Ending Night",  Homepage Festival, Udine
"Antibandiera", F.A.M.E., Riccione
"Da qualche parte è notte", Re-Birth, P.AR.CO. Foundation, Treviso, curated by Spazio Supernova

"Lucciole", Macro, La Pelanda, Testaccio, Roma selection Young Talents for l'AAF ROME
"T'Oracle of Delft", Blik Opener Festival, Delft, in collaboration with the architect Anna Romani and curated by Marsha de Bell
"Mind the door!", III Moscow International Biennale of Young Artists, Moscow, curated by Elena Selina and Kathirin Becker
"T'Oracolo di Genova", Villa Croce, Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Genovacurated by Anna Santomauro for Carta Bianca_Bologna, curated by Silvia Cini
"Mind the door!", Arte Fiera, Bologna, curated by Silvia Evangelisti

"T’oracolo di Trento", Festival dell'Arte di Trentocurated by Marco Cruciani, Francesca Piersanti and  Mario Garavelli
"Artist Book", Non si lascia leggere, Bologna, curated by Manuela Candini
"Artist Book", No es deixa llegir, Barcellona, curated by Eva Figuerras

"T’oracolo di Bergamo", Camminart di Bergamo, curated by Matteo Caglioni
"Iceberg", Cuore di Pietra di Pianoro (Bo), curated by Mili Romano
"I pesci sono muti", Cuore di Pietra di Pianoro (Bo), curated by Mili Romano
"Finestre", VIDEO.It Fondazione Merz, Torino, curated by Francesco Poli, Francesco Bernardelli, Mario Gorni
"Finestre", VIDEO.It alla Careof DOCVA, Milano, curated by Francesco Poli, Francesco Bernardelli, Mario Gorni


"PAC Piano per l'Arte Contemporanea" Italian Ministry of Culture, winning project
"Hamamatsu Sound Design Festival" Hamamatsu (Japan), artist selected
"Sponge Prize Residency" Setup Art Fair
"Mind the door!", III Moscow International Biennale of Young Artists, Moscow, artist selected
"Lucciole", Macro, La Pelanda, Testaccio, Roma selection Young Talents for l'AAF 
"Quando c'è il sole le cose girano meglio", Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, 2° Premio Samp


“Ed intanto la mia testa”, installation for the  Comunale Nouveau’s  foyer, curated by Teatro Comunale, Bologna
"Scalare il sogno", installation for the lake of Fratta, curated by Simone Azzoni, Fratta di Tarzo (TV)
"I am with you, I have always been with you, don't be afraid", installation winner of PAC 2021 - Piano per l'Arte Contemporanea (Contemporary Art Plan) promoted by the General Management for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture, Rocca dei Bentivoglio, curated by Adiacenze, Bazzano (BO)
"Stringere lo spazio di me e te", Coop, curated by Virginia Fabrizi, Ponte a Greve
"Vedere me in te", Ex Lavatoi, curated by Massimo Luconi, Radicondoli
"Tutto è relazione" Monte Paderno, curated by Olivia Spatola, Bologna
"Il cielo sopra di noi", Portico della Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena, a cura di Pierluigi Toffenetti, Bologna
"Mind the door!", Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena, curated by Silvia Evangelisti and Luigi Ficacci, Bologna